Bara & Botan

This is a little idea I have that I'd like to do as probably my first decently-sized VN project about a sort of passive girlfail who falls into a relationship with carnivorous extraterrestrial bimbo.
Extra Concepts & Sketches

I'm unsure how to really talk about this thing yet since it's
still in the passive development zone but I'll do some blurbs
here when I got 'em.
Things I know for sure: Bara is an alien I've been calling a
Scylla, a predator species with a sort of psychic camo buit in
to go unnoticed. While the design is clearly octopus-based,
the hunting strategy is more like ant-mimic spiders where they
blend in with the colony to hunt or hide.
Botan on the other hand is a college dropout who is struggling
to find stable employment, instead doing odd jobs for friends
and relying on what's left of her savings. She feels like she
never fully actualized as a trans woman and everything's kind
of in a very uncomfortable stasis. Things aren't quite dire yet
but they're about to be and it's terrifying.
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Last Updated: Nov 29, 2024