Welcome to the Shop

Turning On The Lights

Sept 20, 2024

Hullo! I don't have any art up here yet but I'm figuring this is going to be a very, very long process-- making a site, that is. Hopefully anyone interested in tracking it can bear with me in the meantime while I dust off my coding class notebooks and try to build something worthwhile.

I'm unsure exactly how I'll set up this site? Probably somewhere between all my current favorite approaches to posting (blog, toyhou.se, patreon), which in itself is a pretty big endeavor. I'm also thinking of possibly wrapping some notion in there as well since that's how I do a lot of my journaling and concept-planning? Highly likely this site won't get nearly as messy just because of how I have to update it so manually, I feel like I can count on myself to probably clean everything up before I post it. As such that probably means my Patreon will probably be my de facto sketch posting location with some other site as a secondary, I haven't decided yet.

But yeah, wish me some fuckin luck, babes!